1. Eat an apple or two before every meal. High-fiber apples are natural appetite suppressants that work better than any diet pill out there. Eat one or two before every meal and not only will you eat fewer calories, you'll also have the self-control to avoid those simple sugars, refined flours, and "bad" fats that keep your from losing weight!
2. Eat small, healthy snacks often. Eat a small, healthy, protein-rich, and preferably high-fiber snack every 2-3 hours during the day. You'll basically eliminate hunger, help to avoid food cravings, boost your metabolism (due to the energy required to digest food), stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels, and fuel your body in a way that keeps energy levels high. You also won't pig out during 2 or 3 "big" meals, e.g. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
3. Drink LOTS of water and green tea every day. Drinking lots of fluids is a simple and easy way to lose pounds fast. Zero-calorie water and green tea are the best options because they keep you hydrated, optimize your metabolism to burn fat, and -- most importantly -- fill up your stomach so that you're not hungry.
The techniques outlined above are some of the easiest ways to lose pounds, burn fat, and create a great-looking, fit body very fast. Give 'em a try!
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