1. Eat some fruit before every big meal. The fiber will help you feel fuller, so you'll eat less and make better food choices. Also, fiber fights constipation, helping you get a flatter tummy.
2. Eat a big, high-protein breakfast. Eating a big, healthy breakfast that includes lots of protein is a simple, easy way to jump-start your metabolism, boost your energy, and control your appetite for the rest of the day.
3. Don't drink calories. Drink only water and sugar-free teas, sodas, soft drinks etc. Avoid high-calorie, sugar-rich soft drinks and coffee drinks as much as possible. Avoid alcohol as well, since it's basically empty calories and can even raise your cortisol levels (which causes your body to store more belly fat).
4.Drink a gallon of water per day. Drinking lots of water helps to keep your metabolism boosted, suppress the appetite naturally, and prevent the bloating that can increase tummy size.
5. Do intense, full-body strength workouts. Few forms of exercise burn more fat and flatten the tummy faster than short (approx. 30 minute), intense strength workouts. They actually work much better than dong long, boring, repetitive cardio workouts. To get the best results, focus on doing a few intense sets of compound multi-joint/multi-muscle group movements like squats, lunges, pushups, pullups, burpees, and crunches.
6. Drink whey protein shakes. Whey protein-based shakes are a delicious and easy way to get a flat belly fast. Mix a quality whey protein powder into some water, juice, or fat-free milk. Then add frozen berries, bananas, or other fruit. Finally blend in some peanut butter, virgin coconut oil, or other form of "healthy" fat.
If you prefer sweeter shakes, mix in some stevia or xylitol. Change up the texture and temperature by blending in ice if you want. Drink one of these great-tasting shakes after workouts and anytime you want a fast, easy, healthy, and delicious treat!
7. Snack often. Eating small, protein-rich snacks throughout the day is one of the secrets of fast, healthy weight loss. Have healthy snacks close by at all times and eat a small portion whenever hunger strikes. A few good choices are: nuts/seeds with dried fruit, low-sugar/sugar-free yogurt, low-fat string cheese (mozzarella), protein bars, packaged protein shakes, etc.
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