Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Diet Tips to Lose Fat Fast and Feel Better at the Same Time

Want to lose fat fast, boost your energy a ton, and feel better... all at the same time? Follow these simple diet tips:

1. Stop eating toxic foods. Anything made with refined sugar, processed flours, trans fats, or artificial preservatives is toxic to your body and more than likely very fattening as well. The same goes for alcohol. If you want to lose fat and feel A LOT better too, cut these foods from your diet.

2. Watch the grains and dairy. Many health experts believe that humans aren't meant to eat large amounts of grains and dairy products, mainly because we've only been consuming them for a few thousand years. Since it took us millions of years to develop the digestive system we have, it makes sense. If you're goal is fast, healthy weight loss you may want to cut grains and dairy from your diet, at least for a few weeks.

3. Eat more of the good foods. Humans thrive on fresh, natural, whole foods: lean meats, fish and seafood, nuts, seeds, vegetables, raw fruits, beans, legumes, etc. Eat these all the time -- or at least most of the time -- and you'll definitely lose weight in a quick but healthy manner while also greatly improving the way you feel.

The same goes for water. We're meant to consume lots of pure water so try to get at least a gallon a day. You'll have way more energy and a stronger metabolism!

4. Eat superfoods and super supplements. Certain foods and supplements are extremely healthy and you may want to include them in your diet. Some good "superfoods" are green tea, fresh berries, avocado, leafy green vegetables, and flax seeds. The best supplements for losing weight quickly and feeling good as well are: whey protein, multivitamins, probiotics, vitamin C (especially "natural" forms), and omega 3 fatty acid supplements.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

300 Workout: Hardcore Fitness

Want to lost body fat and get fit super fast? Then workout like this:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How to Lose Weight Fast for Free

Want to lose weight for free? Want to burn fat fast without spending any money? The truth is you don't need to buy expensive pieces of exercise equipment, big home gyms, gimmicky fitness gadgets, specially-formulated "diet" foods, or high-priced "fat burning" diet pills/appetite suppressants/etc. You don't even need to purchase a membership to a fancy gym.

Really, if you're on a budget, you should only spend your dollars on high-quality food. And even that can be found cheap, if you know what to look for. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight fast and for free...

1. Use your bodyweight.

Your own bodyweight provides you with all the resistance you need to burn fat, build muscle, and create a fit body fast. Some of the world's best exercises are bodyweight exercises. Pushups, pullups, inverted rows, squats, lunges, hanging leg raises, crunches, and burpees are just a few examples of the thousands of effective bodyweight movements that not only burn fat and build muscle, but also develop the functional strength that will help you in everyday life.

2. Sprint and jump.

Sprinting and jumping rope are two of the most-effective forms of fat-burning cardio around. In fact, one of the most effective forms of high intensity interval training (HIIT) is short wind sprints with 30-60 second active rest periods. Jumping rope burns more calories than almost all other forms of aerobic exercise while also developing speed, agility, balance, and coordination. If you don't already have a jump rope, you can buy a quality "speed" rope for around $5 at almost any sporting goods store.

3. Eat quality calories.

If you want to know which is the best diet for losing weight fast, here it is: eat lots of lean protein and vegetables, some healthy fats, and small amounts of fruit and starchy carbs. Forget about the latest fad diet... this is what really works. The best part is that many quality "weight loss" foods can also be bought cheaply. Eggs, nuts, seeds, apples, and oatmeal are just a few examples of high-quality, nutrient-dense, healthy foods that are cheap but delicious.

So now you know how to lose weight fast and for free... or at least for a very small amount of money. The next time someone tells you that you need to spend a bunch of money on some weight loss program or exercise machine, tell them the truth: they're full of it!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Funny (But Motivational) HIIT Video

High intensity interval training is a fantastic way to burn body fat and improve overall fitness very fast. Here's a funny video that actually demonstrates one way to perform a HIIT workout on a treadmill. The guy's extremely lean and fit so I guess you could consider this an entertaining, educational, and motivational video!

"Look at me... I'm fast as a motherf*****!!" Ha ha ha....... :-)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Desire = Fast Results

Do you know the biggest secret to achieving great fitness results fast? It's having a powerful goal in mind at all times. This goal must elicit an emotional... and often even physical... response whenever you think about it.

Here's a great quote from one of the truly great "self improvement" experts of all time...

“The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, Just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.”

- Napolean Hill

Here's some great motivation to exercise, lose weight, and create a great-looking body fast...

(Thanks FitnessCure!)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

High-Protein Snacks = Fast Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight fast, you need to make frequent snacking an integral part of your daily routine. It's sounds a little strange, but you actually have to eat MORE in order to reduce body fat in a fast and healthy way. Not more calories... just more often and more of the right kinds of foods.

Keep hunger and food cravings at bay while revving up your metabolism by eating a protein-rich snack every 2-3 hours throughout the day. Here are a few good choices:

-- raw veggies with a small amount of veggie dip or salad dressing made with "good" fats (e.g. monounsaturated vegetable oils).

-- low-sugar/sugar-free yogurt topped with nuts

-- raw or roasted nuts and seeds (no "honey" or other sugar-containing types)

-- low-fat cheese with grapes or other raw fruit

-- beef jerky

-- natural peanut butter on celery, apple slices, etc.

-- low-fat, sugar-free turkey or chicken sausage/pepperoni/etc.

If you're not worried about starchy carbs, you can have a small serving of whole-grain crackers, bread, baked chips, granola, etc. Just make sure you always combine carbs with a protein source (cheese, meat, nut butter, etc.).

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Easiest Ways to Lose Pounds Fast

Want to lose pounds fast? Interested in doing it in the easiest way possible? Follow these 3 simple steps and you will avoid about 80% of the "pain" that is usually associated with trying to lose weight and create a better-looking body quickly...

1. Eat an apple or two before every meal. High-fiber apples are natural appetite suppressants that work better than any diet pill out there. Eat one or two before every meal and not only will you eat fewer calories, you'll also have the self-control to avoid those simple sugars, refined flours, and "bad" fats that keep your from losing weight!

2. Eat small, healthy snacks often. Eat a small, healthy, protein-rich, and preferably high-fiber snack every 2-3 hours during the day. You'll basically eliminate hunger, help to avoid food cravings, boost your metabolism (due to the energy required to digest food), stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels, and fuel your body in a way that keeps energy levels high. You also won't pig out during 2 or 3 "big" meals, e.g. breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

3. Drink LOTS of water and green tea every day. Drinking lots of fluids is a simple and easy way to lose pounds fast. Zero-calorie water and green tea are the best options because they keep you hydrated, optimize your metabolism to burn fat, and -- most importantly -- fill up your stomach so that you're not hungry.

The techniques outlined above are some of the easiest ways to lose pounds, burn fat, and create a great-looking, fit body very fast. Give 'em a try!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Lose Pounds Fast: The REAL Simple Method

1. Do a 1-day lemon water/fruit fast.

Detoxify your body, boost your energy, jumpstart your metabolism, and lose a pound or two (mostly from "water" weight) by consuming nothing but lemon water and organic fruit for 1 whole day, or 24 hours. Lemon water is simply pure water with fresh lemon (or lime) juice squeezed into it. Drink LOTS of the stuff. Add the natural sweetener stevia if you want, but no sugar or artificial sweeteners! Also, during the 24 hour period eat as much fresh, raw, organic fruit as you want.

2. Eat a protein + plant diet.

If you want to lose pounds fast, the best diet is one based on lean proteins and natural plant foods (e.g. veggies, raw fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, etc.). Avoid ALL processed foods... including anything containing refined sugars, flours, or fats. Also avoid grains (breads, cereals, pastas, etc.) and most starchy carbs, including potatoes, rice, etc. Make sure to get some healthy fats from fish, olive oil, coconut oil, nut butters, avocado, etc.

3. Do short, intense exercise sessions often.

Performing short, intense workouts often is the best way to exercise to lose pounds fast. An example of a great fat-burning, metabolism-boosting, body-transforming workout is:

- 5 min light warmup (break a sweat!)
- 15 min full-body strength training with moderate weights or just your own bodyweight
- 10 min high intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio

For the strength training, focus on compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups: pushups, pullups, row, squats, lunges, etc. For the cardio choose anything that allows you to do short high-intensity bursts of activity followed by brief periods of "active" recovery. A simple example is rounds of 10 second sprints followed by 30 seconds of light jogging or fast walking, done repeatedly for 7-10 minutes.

That's it. Do all the above on a regular basis (only fast a couple times a month) and you will lose 5, 10, 20, or more pounds very fast. Simple and it works incredibly well. Give it a try!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fitness Motivation Video

Great video. Great quotes. Great motivation to eat well, exercise often, and get the most out of your life... now!

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."

- Oscar Wilde

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Speed Up Your Metabolism and Get Rid of Ugly Belly Fat Fast

Want to lose your ugly belly fat and create a leaner, fitter, and sexier body fast? The key is to speed up your metabolism so that your body burns more calories and more fat in less time.

Here are a few proven ways to boost your metabolism and reduce abdominal fat quickly:

1. Try a "fruit and nut" diet. For a few days -- up to 10 -- try eating nothing but raw fruits, nuts, and seeds. These natural fiber-packed, nutrient-rich whole foods contain almost everything you need to enjoy great health and a strong metabolism.

The high-fiber content, along with the large amount of "good" fat found in the nuts and seeds, while give the metabolism a nice natural boost. The best part is that you can eat pretty much all you want so there's no reason to let yourself get hungry.

While on this diet you may want to take a good multivitamin and a quality omega-3 fat supplement to cover your nutritional bases. By the way, the fruit and nut diet will also help to protect you from several diseases, including heart disease!

2. Eat protein-rich meals and snack frequently. One of the easiest and most effective ways to speed up the metabolism is to eat a small protein-rich meal or snack every 2-3 hours, throughout the day. The digestion process uses a lot of energy, so eating frequently is a relatively easy way to boost the metabolism thoroughly while also keeping yourself from getting hungry.

Protein is important because it requires the most energy to digest. It also helps to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels... very important when trying to lose belly fat!

3. Do intense strength + cardio workouts. Regular, intense exercise is one of the best ways to increase the body's metabolism naturally. Strength training helps to build and maintain the lean muscle tissue that burns calories even when you're at rest. Intense strength training can also create hormonal changes in the body that skyrocket the metabolism and keep it boosted for about 35 hours after working out.

Cardio is important for burning off that stubborn excess belly fat. Short, intense bouts of cardio -- such as HIIT-style workouts -- are a great way to burn tons of calories, speed up the metabolism, and force the body to burn fat both during and after the workout.

4. Drink green tea before workouts. There is quite a bit of evidence showing that certain natural compounds found in green tea help to burn belly fat faster. You should consider drinking 2-3 cups of strong green tea about half an hour before working out. You may also want to consume some natural caffeine, since it's been shown that caffeine helps to free up stored fats so the body can use them for energy during intense exercise.


14 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3 of the Fastest Ways to Lose Weight

Believe it or not, the fastest ways to lose weight are also the simplest. Forget about complicated diets, long, boring, and complicated exercise regimens, strange fitness gadgets and expensive diet pills that don't work. Use the basic fast fat loss techniques described below any time you want to get rid of a few pounds in the quickest, healthiest way possible...

Fasting for Fast Fat Loss

Yes, that's a lot of "F's"... but it's true: brief fasting is a great way to get rid of some of your ugly body fat quickly and easily. One of the simplest and most effective fasting techniques is to do the following for 3 days:

- Eat nothing but raw, organic fruits. Eat as much as you want.
- Drink nothing but "lemon water" (pure water with some fresh lemon or lime juice squeezed into it) and herbal tea.
- If you want to boost the detoxification effects, consume a quality "green drink" once or twice a day.

That's it. Anytime you want to lose a few pounds -- or simply "re-boot" your body and boost your energy -- give this 3 day fast a try!

Super "Clean" Dieting

Eating a very "clean" diet is a great way to lose weight fast. Super clean eating means no processed foods other than whey protein powder and/or quality protein bars. Absolutely no refined sugars or refined flours. Definitely no man-made fats (e.g. trans fats). Basically, you eat nothing but lean protein, fresh veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds (preferably raw), and "good" fats from olive oil, avocado, omega-3 fat supplements, etc.

Avoid most starchy carbs, such as grains, potatoes, beans, rice, etc... even the whole-grain and "brown" varieties. Once you've lost the pounds you can incorporate them back into your diet by using a "carb rotation" dieting technique to keep your metabolism going strong.

High-Intensity Workouts

High-intensity workouts, done several times a week, are a great way to boos the metabolism, burn calories, and help your body lose a lot of fat quickly. In fact, many experts believe that doing brief, high-intensity, full-body workouts involving both weight training and cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis is the single best and fastest way to lose weight!

Have a comment, question, or opinion? Leave it below...

Useful Links:

Fastest Way To Lose Weight on Squidoo

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Easy Tips to Get a Flat Tummy Fast

Wouldn't it be great if you could simply watch your belly fat disappear as a fit, flat tummy emerges? It's not only possible, it can actually be pretty easy to accomplish.

Here are 7 easy and proven tips for getting rid of your abdominal fat and creating a flatter, sexier-looking tummy quickly...

1. Eat some fruit before every big meal. The fiber will help you feel fuller, so you'll eat less and make better food choices. Also, fiber fights constipation, helping you get a flatter tummy.

2. Eat a big, high-protein breakfast. Eating a big, healthy breakfast that includes lots of protein is a simple, easy way to jump-start your metabolism, boost your energy, and control your appetite for the rest of the day.

3. Don't drink calories. Drink only water and sugar-free teas, sodas, soft drinks etc. Avoid high-calorie, sugar-rich soft drinks and coffee drinks as much as possible. Avoid alcohol as well, since it's basically empty calories and can even raise your cortisol levels (which causes your body to store more belly fat).

4.Drink a gallon of water per day. Drinking lots of water helps to keep your metabolism boosted, suppress the appetite naturally, and prevent the bloating that can increase tummy size.

5. Do intense, full-body strength workouts. Few forms of exercise burn more fat and flatten the tummy faster than short (approx. 30 minute), intense strength workouts. They actually work much better than dong long, boring, repetitive cardio workouts. To get the best results, focus on doing a few intense sets of compound multi-joint/multi-muscle group movements like squats, lunges, pushups, pullups, burpees, and crunches.

6. Drink whey protein shakes. Whey protein-based shakes are a delicious and easy way to get a flat belly fast. Mix a quality whey protein powder into some water, juice, or fat-free milk. Then add frozen berries, bananas, or other fruit. Finally blend in some peanut butter, virgin coconut oil, or other form of "healthy" fat.

If you prefer sweeter shakes, mix in some stevia or xylitol. Change up the texture and temperature by blending in ice if you want. Drink one of these great-tasting shakes after workouts and anytime you want a fast, easy, healthy, and delicious treat!

7. Snack often. Eating small, protein-rich snacks throughout the day is one of the secrets of fast, healthy weight loss. Have healthy snacks close by at all times and eat a small portion whenever hunger strikes. A few good choices are: nuts/seeds with dried fruit, low-sugar/sugar-free yogurt, low-fat string cheese (mozzarella), protein bars, packaged protein shakes, etc.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Burn Fat in a Hotel Hallway?

Most people think they need to get a gym membership in order to burn body fat quickly. In reality, you can get a great fat-burning workout just about anywhere, simply using the weight of your own body.

Don't believe me? Check this out:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Fast

The absolute best way to lose your belly fat fast is to use a combination of clean "paleo" dieting and higher-intensity workouts that combine both strength training and cardio exercise. Follow these guidelines and you'll get rid of your stubborn abdominal fat quickly...

1. Eat a diet based around lean protein and fish, fresh veggies, raw fruits, nuts, seeds, beans/legumes, and good fats from olive oil, nut butters, avocado, etc. This is a form of modified paleo diet and it's a very healthy way to get rid of body fat fast.

2. Drink at least a gallon of water per day to help control hunger, boost energy and metabolism, and help to mobilize stored body fat.

3. Cut out all refined sugars, flours, and "junk" foods. Also avoid alcohol.

4. Perform short, moderate-intensity strength/weight training workouts based around compound, multi-joint movements such as squats, pushups, lunges, pullups, barbell rows, shoulder presses, leg raises, etc.

5. Perform moderate-intensity aerobic sessions 2-4 times per week, done after your strength workouts -- when glycogen levels are low -- to ensure your body uses its fat stores for energy.

6. Twice a week perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio exercise to stimulate the metabolism and force positive hormonal changes in the body that lead to faster fat loss and increased lean muscle protection.

7. Consider using these supplements:

- Whey protein
- Omega 3 fats
- A good fat-burning supplement with green tea extract and natural caffeine from guarana or kola nut

That's it... the best way to lose belly fat fast and in a healthy manner. Give it a shot for a few weeks and watch your ugly ab fat disappear!


Lifehack.org: How To Lose Belly Fat

Eat the Right Fats to Lose Fat Faster

Believe it or not, you need to eat fat to lose body fat. "Good" fats can help you lose pounds in a fast and healthy way. Of course, the wrong kinds of fat will only make you gain weight and have poorer health.

So it makes sense to cut back -- or even totally eliminate your intake of bad fats -- and increase your intake of good fats.

The most important dietary fats are omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These healthy fats also happen to have a strong fat-burning effect that can boost the metabolism and make it easier/faster to lose weight. Monounsaturated fats like those found in nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil, and chocolate are also extremely important.

Finally, medium-chain triglycerides, like those found in virgin coconut oil, should also be part of your diet.

If you really want to get fit, lose body fat, and look better quickly take the following steps regarding dietary fat intake:

-- cut out all saturated fats
-- cut out all trans fats
-- reduce or eliminate your intake of fried foods
-- eat omega-3 fats every day, especially those found in fish and seafood
-- eat some omega-6 fats every day
-- consume several servings of monounsaturated fats daily
-- eat medium chain triglycerides several times per week

Most of your dietary fat should come from fish/seafood, nuts, seeds, nut/seed butters, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, and dark chocolate or cacao. If you stick to these sources you'll be able to reduce your weight, lose ugly body fat, boost your energy, speed up your metabolism, feel better, and get fit much, much faster!


Good Fats and Bad Fats

Friday, July 4, 2008

High-Intensity Jump Rope Workout

Jumping rope is one of the most effective fat-burning and total body-conditioning exercises you can do. High-intensity interval training -- aka HIIT -- is one of the best ways to burn fat and lose pounds fast. Here's a video explaining how to combine the two:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

How to Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in a Month (or Less)

Want to lose 20 pounds of body fat in a month or less? It's really not that hard to do. Here are the basic steps:

1. Avoid all "white" foods and processed carbs. These include all refined sugars and flours as well as white potatoes, white rice, etc.

2. Eat healthy meals and snacks several times per day. Your diet should be based around lean proteins (meats, fish, eggs, etc.), vegetables, beans/legumes, and good fats from nuts/seeds, olive oil, etc. Eat 4-6 times per day and be sure to include protein in every meal.

3. Drink only water and other calorie-free beverages, such as teas, diet sodas, etc.

4. Have one cheat day per week. Eat pretty much whatever you want on this day. This will help to stave off the boredom of dieting as well as throw a curveball at your metabolism, keeping it from slowing down.

5. Exercise 2-5 time per week. Do both strength training and cardio exercise to burn fat and build -- or at least maintain -- important muscle tissue (and a healthy metabolism!).

Learn more:

How to Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

3 Keys to Losing Weight Incredibly Fast

Want to lose weight faster than you ever thought possible? Keep these 3 key points in mind and you'll achieve incredibly fast fitness and fat loss results...

1. Figure out your triggers. Everyone has certain "triggers" that cause them to do things that slow or even stop the weight loss process. They eat fattening foods. They don't workout. They get less than 7 hours of sleep. They lose motivation. For example, many people eat very well when at home. But in restaurants they lose self-control and end up pigging out on high-calorie, unhealthy foods.

For these people, being in a restaurant is a trigger. Spend at least a week or so figuring out which triggers affect you most. Then make a focused effort to either avoid those triggers or do as much as possible to keep them from affecting you so much.

2. Develop habits quickly. Developing good habits quickly is a "must" when it comes to fast, healthy weight loss. Fortunately, research has shown that a good habit can be developed in as little as 21 days. This means that if you can just force yourself to eat well, avoid processed foods, and exercise for 21 days in a row these healthy actions can become normal habits.

Once something becomes a positive habit, it becomes pleasurable. That means you'll actually look forward to doing it!

3. Use the power of the mind. Your brain is your most important weight loss tool. If you can control your thoughts and motivate yourself at the drop of a hat, you can do pretty much anything! Here are the proven steps to programming your mind to help you lose weight fast:

- Set a goal: pounds lost; a fit, lean body; better condition; etc.

- Create a vivid mental movie of yourself with your ideal body, looking and feeling great while doing something you enjoy.

- Spend a few minutes each day visualizing success. Imagine that you've already achieved your weight loss and fitness goals and try to actually "feel" the amazing pleasure you'll have. Visualize several times throughout the day.

- Give your mental movie positive energy. When visualizing your ideal body, think about it in a very positive way. Every time you visualize, try getting more and more pleasure from it. After just a few days of this routine, visualizing should become so pleasurable that you want to do it constantly.

- Do it constantly. The more you think about enjoying your ideal body, the more your actions will move you in the right direction, and the faster you'll actually get that ideal body.

I know, all this sounds a little far-fetched. But it is absolutely proven to work. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose but your ugly body fat!


30 Days to Success

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How to Lose 5 Pounds in Five Days

Need to lose 5 pounds fast... but in a healthy way? With the right amount of focus and effort, you can lose up to 5 lbs in just 5 days. You'll need to be "perfect" in terms of diet and exercise but it is possible.

Here are 5 tips to help you lose 5 pounds in just five days...

1. Do a 1 or 2 day lemon/lime water fast.

For one or two days drink nothing but pure water with fresh lemon or lime juice squeezed into it. This is an amazingly refreshing and simple way to detoxify your body and jump-start your metabolism for fast weight loss. It will also be good for 1 or 2 pounds of "easy" weight loss.

2. Eat a plant and protein diet. After your lemon/lime water fast, eat nothing but "plants and protein"... in other words, plant foods and lean proteins, such as lean meat. Almost all of your calories should come from unprocessed whole foods: raw and lightly cooked veggies, lean meats or other lean proteins, raw nuts and seeds, fish, avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, etc.

One or two pieces of raw fruit should be eaten daily as well. A daily whey protein shake is a good idea too! Avoid grain, potatoes, and other starchy carbs during this time.

3. Drink a gallon or more of water per day. This will flush and cleanse your body while helping to reduce "water weight" at the same time. It will also keep your metabolism and energy levels high.

4. Do a couple full-body "combo" workouts. Do workouts consisting of both full-body strength training and high intensity cardio exercise. This will help to crank up your metabolism, burn lots of calories and body fat, and tone your muscles so you look better.

5. Take the right supplements. Certain supplements can help you lose weight faster. When you only have 5 days to lose 5 pounds they can certainly come in handy. Some of the best options are: whey protein, omega 3 fats, multivitamins, green tea extract, and natural caffeine from guarana or kola nut.

Want to share a tip or comment about losing 5 pounds in less than a week? Leave it below...